Art, Science, Theater, History

Art Science Theater History
Morris Museum - 6 Normandy Heights Road - Morristown, NJ 07960 - 973.971.3700 (phone) - 973.538.0154 (fax)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Super Science Saturday: Oct 23

“Blood” Soup
Why is your blood red? We will use food (including candy!) to learn about the different components in your blood.  Join us as for a fun (and creepy!) afternoon as we learn about the different parts of blood and make Blood Soup! (yum!!)

Super Science Saturday, 12-2pm
Appropriate for ages 5 and up
Free for members; non-members: $3/child plus museum admission
Families are invited to stop by and participate in hands-on science workshops. Children will be introduced to the scientific method as they conduct experiments and observe the results.
Call 973.971.3718 for more info!

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