Art, Science, Theater, History

Art Science Theater History
Morris Museum - 6 Normandy Heights Road - Morristown, NJ 07960 - 973.971.3700 (phone) - 973.538.0154 (fax)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Super Science Saturday: Oct 23

“Blood” Soup
Why is your blood red? We will use food (including candy!) to learn about the different components in your blood.  Join us as for a fun (and creepy!) afternoon as we learn about the different parts of blood and make Blood Soup! (yum!!)

Super Science Saturday, 12-2pm
Appropriate for ages 5 and up
Free for members; non-members: $3/child plus museum admission
Families are invited to stop by and participate in hands-on science workshops. Children will be introduced to the scientific method as they conduct experiments and observe the results.
Call 973.971.3718 for more info!

Join us for tricks and treats at the Halloween Family Festival!

For more info visit: Morris Museum
or call 973-971-3718