Art, Science, Theater, History

Art Science Theater History
Morris Museum - 6 Normandy Heights Road - Morristown, NJ 07960 - 973.971.3700 (phone) - 973.538.0154 (fax)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Super Science Saturday

On October 23rd, students learned about the four major components of blood.

Here are some pictures of the project!

We used red hot tamales for the red blood cells, mini marshmallows for the white blood cells, shredded coconut for the platelets, and corn syrup for the plasma!

For more information about the wonders of blood, check out the Red Cross.

Join us on November 13, November 20, and December 4 for Super Science Saturdays!

Nov. 13             Jellybean Rainbow
Is a purple jellybean really purple?  Discover hidden colors when you perform experiments on jelly beans.
Nov. 20             Petroglyphs and Pictographs
Native Americans used petroglyphs (pictures carved into stone) to tell stories about their culture. Create your own petroglyph to tell a story all about you!

Check the website for more info: Morris Museum

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